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Things Cats Don’t Care About

October 1, 2024

Does your cat transform into a fluffy, meowing little diva when you are late with her breakfast, second breakfast, or third meal? Is Fluffy a charming little tyrant over her toys or play sessions? Our feline pals take some things really seriously. There are also a few things that they simply do not care about. In this article, a local San Rafael, CA veterinarian names a few of them.

Your Furniture

Kitties are experts at making themselves at home. Fluffy won’t hesitate to drape herself over the back of the sofa or sit on the table to clean herself. She doesn’t mind doing her nails on your couch or chair, either.

Don’t be annoyed at your pet for these mishaps! Your kitty friend isn’t attempting to trash your belongings on purpose; she’s simply driven by nature to keep her nails sharp. Your Schedule

Your Comfort

Speaking of snoozing, does your pet manage to occupy the entire bed while relegating you to a sliver on the edge? We’re thinking that many of you answered yes.


Fluffy can be super cuddly. She can also be very temperamental, biting or scratching without notice. Clearly, Man’s Other Best Friend could benefit from some petiquette lessons!

Your Plants

Many cats enjoy sniffing and nibbling green leaves. Fluffy looks beautiful as she peeks out from behind plants and pretends to be a fearsome predator! Of course, she isn’t above knocking over plants. Some houseplants, such as spider plants, she will simply destroy if given the chance.

Plants do provide enrichment for cats. Your cat will be stimulated by being able to smell and taste leaves. Plus, peering through the greenery allows your adorable pet to channel her inner tigress. Put safety first. Only put out plants that are suitable for your kitty companion. The ASPA has a comprehensive list of them here

The Dog

Fido and Fluffy’s relationship has been difficult throughout the years, with many ups and downs. While the dog is often the aggressor, the cat can also be the bully! (Fluffy also has no qualms about seizing dog beds.)

Your Job

We don’t have a precise tally of how many of our feline patients have crashed their owners’ Zoom calls or trodden on their laptops, but it’s safe to assume that the figure is not zero.

However, cats do occasionally provide a helping paw to their owners while working. If you work from home, your cat could be an excellent coworker … even if she does occasionally step on your keyboard. We recommend setting a short screen lock period, such as 15 seconds. That will lessen the likelihood that every time you walk away, you will return to find your pet has caused havoc on whatever you were working on.

Their Veterinarians

Many of our feline friends are less than delighted to see us. We fully understand. The car travel is a significant factor in this. While our canine patients enjoy going on drives, cats prefer to stay in their own kingdoms. In fact, many cats are more concerned about the ride over than about their appointments! We do everything we can to make appointments short, convenient, and comfortable for our patients.

Your pet’s appointment and medical care needs will change throughout time, so follow your veterinarian’s advice. Between checkups, keep an eye out for any signs of illness. If you find anything out of place, contact your San Rafael, CA veterinarian.

The Laws Of Physics

Cats are not only adorable and purrsonable, but also quite amusing. One of the reasons kitties are so fascinating is their ability to jump, bend, and twist. Fluffy’s acrobatic abilities are outstanding! We know that cats’ skeletal structure allows them to bend so easily. However, some of their bold gymnastics make us wonder! There’s also the fact that these small balls of fur can sleep in positions typically associated with knots.

Local Wildlife 

Kitties are skilled hunters. In fact, we first befriended them because of their ability to catch rats and other vermin. Fluffy, on the other hand, does not simply kill in order to eat. She actually finds it amusing. While it’s lovely to watch your pet’s pride when she puts a dead mouse at your feet, there’s also reason to be cautious. It turns out that our feline companions are adorable little serial killers. Every year, housecats destroy billions of small animals. 

Make An Appointment At Our San Rafael, CA Animal Clinic

Is your kitty friend due for a checkup? Are you looking for a great veterinarian in San Rafael, CA? Call us anytime!

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