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Helping Your New Senior Pet Get Settled

October 15, 2024

Are you considering adopting a senior pet? If so, you certainly have our support. We love all animals, but we have a soft spot for older ones. Not only are dogs and cats in their golden years super sweet and lovable, they often have a really sweet and friendly demeanor that is truly special. Older pets also have a tough time getting adopted, simply because so many people pass them over for younger pets. Giving one of these sweet seniors a second chance is a beautiful act of kindness. You will need to help them get settled, though. Going to a new home is difficult for any pet, but can be particularly difficult for aging ones. In this article, a local San Rafael, CA vet offers some tips on helping your new friend get established.

Pick The Right Pet

We love seeing any animal get a loving home. Many people insist that the senior pets they adopted are the most loving and affectionate pets they’ve ever owned. However, it’s important to pick the pet that is right for your household.

There are a few specific things to consider with senior dogs. Fido’s size is one thing. If you live on a ground-floor, you may not need to worry too much about size. However, older dogs often have trouble climbing stairs. If you’re on a higher floor, you may want to get a pooch you can carry. 

Size isn’t so much of an issue with kitties, of course. You’ll still need to consider your household, as well as other pets. Older dogs and cats can make great cuddle buddies for toddlers, but there is a downside. Very young children can also be unintentionally rough and clumsy, and could possibly cause an injury, particularly with small or senior dogs. 

Get Everything Ready Beforehand

You’ll want to have everything your new furry pal needs ready and waiting. For both dogs and cats, the shopping list should include toys, treats, dishes, bedding, and grooming supplies. A crate or carrier is also a must. Kitties need a litterbox, litter, and a scratching post or board. Cats also appreciate and benefit from cat furniture. You’d want to choose things that are low to the ground, as these will be easier for your pet to get off and on.

We always recommend petproofing carefully, especially when you are about to bring a new pet into your home. This is still important with older animals. While generally senior pets have outgrown much of their mischievous habits, such as digging and chewing, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Even older pets have their moments of silliness!

Some things you’d want to address include small/sharp items; ropes and cords; plastic bags and ties; and chemicals and medication. Toxic plants are also an issue. Many popular plants are poisonous to our furry buddies. Some of the more dangerous ones include lilies, Sago palms, azaleas, and rhododendrons. The ASPCA has a great list here

We would also recommend that you seal off any openings behind and beneath furniture and cabinets. Be sure to get more information from your San Rafael, CA vet. 

Create A Safe, Comfy Environment

You’ll want to take a few additional steps with older pets to keep them safe and comfy. For instance, if you have floors, set out area rugs and runners to add more traction and prevent slips and falls. It’s also a good idea to put out some nightlights to help your furry pal get around at night. It’s also not a bad idea to put baby gates before stairways to prevent falls. If you have a pool or fireplace, take precautions with that as well. Pet ramps or stairs are also a good precaution. 

If your pet has vision or hearing issues, you’ll want to do some more specific things. A running water fountain is a good option for a pet that can’t see well, as they will be able to find it by the sound. Scent markers, such as safe plants or even stick-ups, can serve as landmarks to help pets navigate. Ask your San Rafael, CA vet for specific advice.

Give Them Time To Adjust

It’s going to take your new furry buddy some time to get used to their new home. You may have heard of the 3/3/3 rule. It usually takes pets, on average, three days to get a feel for a place, three weeks to settle in, and three months to really feel like they’re home. That’s an average, of course: every pet is unique.  

Don’t Force Things

Never force attention on a pet…no matter how cute they are. If you are overbearing, you may just frighten your furry friend. Always let pets come to you for attention. To win Fluffy and Fido’s heart, talk to them, play with them, and offer toys and treats. Purrs and tail wags from senior pets really are special.

Stick To A Steady Routine

A steady routine helps pets feel safe and secure, which can go a long way towards getting them settled in. Try to keep things consistent.

Be Careful When Naming Your New Pet

Many people rename pets they’ve adopted. Once you’ve picked the moniker, start getting your furry buddy used to it. Just take care to only use their name in a positive way, such as when you are offering toys or treats, or even just petting them. If you have to verbally rebuke your pet for something, don’t use their name when you do that: it could create negative connotations. 

Take Your Pet To The Animal Clinic

make an appointment at your San Rafael, CA animal hospital right away. One good thing about adopting an older pet is the fact that senior pets are typically already fixed. Fido and Fluffy should also be current on their exams, vaccines, and parasite control. However, they do need thorough exams. We also would recommend getting your pet microchipped.

This is an excellent time to get some specific advice on your pet’s diet and care needs. 

Provide A Comfy Setup

Older animals are often very easy keepers, in part because they are quite sleepy. Comfy beds ar a must! You may want to get beds with waterproof covers, just in case of an accident. 

Pat Yourself On The Back

Adopting an older pet can be extremely rewarding. You may not  have as much time with your furry buddy as you would with a puppy or kitten, but it can still be extremely rewarding and fulfilling.

Make An Appointment At Our Pet Hospital 

Does your senior pet need to come in for an exam? Please feel free to contact us for all of your pet’s San Rafael, CA veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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